============= Input Formats ============= This module is used as a base for parsing input files. The main class is :class:`formats.Parser`. Each input format module has a child class named *FormatParser(Parser)*. Classes ======= .. automodule:: formats :members: :member-order: bysource :undoc-members: :show-inheritance: Constants ========= * .. data:: BUILTIN_INPUT_FORMATS Dictionnary that holds all input formats available in Total Open Station. Form of the dictionnary : { |br| 'parser_name': ('module_parser_name', 'FormatParser', 'Parser Name'), |br| } * .. data:: UNITS_CIRCLE Dictionnary that holds angle corresponding to the complet ride of a circle per units. Form of the dictionnary : { |br| 'name': numeric value of complet ride, |br| } * .. data:: UNKNOWN_STATION :class:`formats.Point` that holds arbitary coordinates of an unknown station. |br| These coordinates are not egals to zero to avoid negativ coordinates during computation. Point(10000, 10000, 100) * .. data:: UNKNOWN_POINT :class:`formats.Point` that holds arbitary coordinates of an unknown point. |br| These coordinates are negatives to be able to check them during computation. Point(-1, -1, -1) * .. data:: COORDINATE_ORDER tuple that holds possible coordinates order in some input formats. ('NEZ', 'ENZ')