============== Output Formats ============== There is not yet a main module with a parent class for output formats. By the way, the main class is :class:`output.Builder`. Each output format module has a child class named *OutputFormat(Builder)*. Classe ====== .. automodule:: output :members: Builder :member-order: bysource :undoc-members: :show-inheritance: Constants ========= .. data:: BUILTIN_OUTPUT_FORMATS Dictionnary that holds all output formats available in Total Open Station. { |br| 'dxf': ('tops_dxf', 'OutputFormat', 'DXF'), |br| 'csv': ('tops_csv', 'OutputFormat', 'CSV'), |br| 'sql': ('tops_sql', 'OutputFormat', 'OGC-SQL'), |br| 'dat': ('tops_dat', 'OutputFormat', 'DAT'), |br| 'txt': ('tops_txt', 'OutputFormat', 'Text'), |br| 'geojson': ('tops_geojson', 'OutputFormat', 'GeoJSON'), |br| }