..rubric:: Foreword

In this page, formats are described using labels which are:

Label Explanation
PID Point number or referenc
type Point type (see below)
angle Horizontal angle or azimuth
z_angle zenithal angle
distance Horizontal or slope distance
th Target heigh
ih Instrument heigh
circle Angle on the circle
station Station point for reference
TEXT Some descriptive text

Point type

Type Explanation
PT Simple point with only coordinates
ST Station
BS Backsight point
PO Point with polar coordinates and more

tops_csv – CSV


This is a standard file format for spreadsheet and transfer between softwares.
The file is comma separated.

Data format

Yet, this format is not parametric and values return are the following:

PID, type, Point Name, x, y, angle, z_angle, distance, th, ih, circle, station

tops_dat – DAT


This format is used in Archis software for photorectification, photo mosaic and photogrammetric survey.

Data format

Return format is points coordinates:

PID, x, y, z, TEXT

tops_dxf – DXF


This format is a standard format for CAD softwares like AutoCAD, QCAD, LibreCAD…

Data format

The format is based on the official DXF R15 (2000) documentation.
Layers can be separated for each point or not.
This format can describe points or lines.

tops_geojson – GeoJSON


This format follow the GeoJSON standard RFC 7946.
Moreover, this format is the internal format used in Total Open Station.
It is supported by numerous mapping and GIS software.

Data format

GeoJSON features collections.

tops_sql – SQL


This format is used by PostGIS which adds support for geographic objects to the PostgreSQL object-relational database.|br| SQL Reference

Data format

Format is points coordinates:

PID, x, y, z, TEXT

tops_txt – Txt


A simple ASCII format to export points coordinates.

Data format

Format is points coordinates:

x, y, z