Input Formats

This module is used as a base for parsing input files.

The main class is formats.Parser.

Each input format module has a child class named FormatParser(Parser).


class formats.Point(*args)

Bases: pygeoif.geometry.Point

class formats.LineString(coordinates)

Bases: pygeoif.geometry.LineString

class formats.Feature(geom, desc, id=None, **properties)

Bases: pygeoif.geometry.Feature

A GeoJSON-like Feature object.


Return the desc property


Return the point_name property

class formats.FeatureCollection(features)

Bases: pygeoif.geometry.FeatureCollection

class formats.Parser(data)

Bases: object

Parses a single string of raw data.

This means that if you plan to load data from a file you have to pass the output of open(file).read() to this class.

Parameters:data (str) – A string representing the file to be parsed.
Variables:data (str) – A string representing the file to be parsed could be overridden by the init method.

Action for finding which parts of the source file are points.

This method must be overridden in the child class to have a working parser.

Returns:A boolean

Action for getting points from source file.

This method must be overridden in the child class to have a working parser.

Returns:A formats.Feature object.

Action for splitting points.

Defaults to splitlines() because most formats have one point per line.

Override this method if the format is different.


Join all Point objects into a LineString.

Returns:A formats.LineString object.

Action for parsing a source file and for finding points.

This method could be overridden in the child class to have a working parser.

Returns:A list of GeoJSON-like Feature object representing points coordinates.

Action for parsing a source file and for retrieving raw data.

This method must be overridden in the child class to have a working parser.

Returns:A list of GeoJSON-like Feature object representing representing raw data i.e. polar coordinates and other informations.

Check if coordinates order is valid.

Parameters:coordorder (str) – A string representing the type of coordinates i.e. NEZ or ENZ.



    Dictionnary that holds all input formats available in Total Open Station.

    Form of the dictionnary :

    ‘parser_name’: (‘module_parser_name’, ‘FormatParser’, ‘Parser Name’),

  • formats.UNITS_CIRCLE

    Dictionnary that holds angle corresponding to the complet ride of a circle per units.

    Form of the dictionnary :

    ‘name’: numeric value of complet ride,


    formats.Point that holds arbitary coordinates of an unknown station.
    These coordinates are not egals to zero to avoid negativ coordinates during computation.

    Point(10000, 10000, 100)

  • formats.UNKNOWN_POINT

    formats.Point that holds arbitary coordinates of an unknown point.
    These coordinates are negatives to be able to check them during computation.

    Point(-1, -1, -1)


    tuple that holds possible coordinates order in some input formats.

    (‘NEZ’, ‘ENZ’)